Friday, October 29, 2010


mukabuku?? a.k.a facebook--------> tempat tuk luah'n isi hati ke? rs marah? suka?? pe pn dy ttp mukabuku...sume org leh nmpk,tau& baca......klu something yg bgs, sonok la nk share....klu yg xbgs?? (pk sendiri).....someone told me, klu kite nk say something on facebook, rather be educated@professional coz who dont know people that read are someone that might give interest to us@ help us in the future....that is the power of totally agree with kdg2 tu, manusia ske ckp lepas....ikut citarasa masing2 la kn....i have a fren....ble dy online, mesti dy post something that u wont read at all......the words that the person use sounds unsound mind...."shit", "damn", "fuck" bda2 bese2 bg dy n org len gk....even bda bese pn, klu tiap2 ari tbaca@t'nmpk, it can be "menyampah giler"....yup, the words not pointing at us....but plez be rational on the words ever it is, i'm prefer to use blog tuk luah'n isi hati..coz org xsalu baca blog i...hahaha

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